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High-resolution & Enhance

Export your work up to 4k


Presenting your work with the finest detail is essential, whether collaborating with your team or showcasing to clients. With Fermat, you can visualize and download your designs in high-resolution, ensuring every intricate detail is presented with clarity and precision. In this guide, we will take you step-by-step through the process of upscale & enhance your designs.

Step by step guide

To export your designs in up to 4K resolution or enhance them, follow these steps:

High-resolution & Enhance


Open the AI tool


Upload the image

Upload the image that you want to enhance & upscale.

Upload an image

Describe the image

Describe the lighting, colors, materials, and any other details you'd like to see in your enhanced image.

Optionally, you can click the blue magic wand button to refine your description. Alternatively, upload a reference image and press the same button to analyze it and generate an accurate description based on the attached image.

Magic wand command refine your description
Describe the enhanced image

Set image parameters

  • Scale: Adjusts the size of the image generated.

  • Creativity: Controls the level of imaginative variation from your reference image. Increasing creativity allows to give more freedom to produce different results. Lowering creativity will maintain the design's accuracy to your initial idea.

  • Resemblance: Determines how closely the AI matches the reference image. A higher resemblance value means the generated image will look more like your reference. Lower values may introduce more deviation from the input, giving the AI more freedom in its interpretation.

  • HDR: enhances the contrast and brightness in the image, making it appear more vivid with more detailed shadows and highlights. Increasing HDR improves the dynamic range and depth, resulting in a more visually striking image. Lowering HDR can make the image look more flat and less intense in terms of light and shadow contrast.

Image parameters (scaling, creativity, resemblance & HDR)

Generate render

Click the 'Generate' button and let the AI process your inputs. In just seconds, your image will be upscaled and enhanced.

Generate image button



Open the AI tool


Upload the image

Upload the image that you want to enhance & upscale.

Upload an image

Set image parameters

Scale: Adjusts the size of the image generated.

Image scale parameter

Generate render

Click the 'Generate' button and let the AI process your inputs. In just seconds, your image will be upscaled.

Generte image button.
Watch this video to learn how upscale & enhance your images.

Last updated